Christian CommunityPresbyterian Church
Staff Contact 

To reach any of the staff below,
please first contact the Church Office via or 301-262-6008


Rev. Dr. Kori Phillips McMurtry

Rev. Dr. Kori Phillips McMurtry is a pastor, artist, mother, and scholar. She is an enthusiastic
service-oriented leader who creatively seeks ways to incorporate spiritual journeys of past and
present into worship and church life for the purpose of allowing faith to come alive for people
of all ages. She is delighted at the opportunity to serve Christian Community Presbyterian
Church as Pastor and live into the ways God is calling them to love one another and serve

Kori’s formal installation as our Pastor in October 2023 has been a milestone, beginning a new
chapter in CCPC’s story, as our congregation serves God through worship and mission, and
grows together.

Before joining our community in January 2023, Pastor Kori's vibrant ministry spanned the U.S.
and beyond, fostering growth and deep connections everywhere she served. Including her work
as Associate Pastor at Bradley Hills Presbyterian in Bethesda. Her tenure at First Presbyterian
Church of Memphis, Tennessee was transformative, leading through renovations,
organizational restructuring, and creative initiatives like “Faith Alive Sundays” to enhance
intergenerational participation, community engagement, and spiritual growth for all ages.
Kori’s academic achievements include a BFA from Ohio Wesleyan University, Master of Divinity
from Princeton Theological Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological
Seminary. Her doctoral work culminated with “Rising from the Threshold; Empowering Women
through the Stories of Sexual Violence in the Bible.” The project’s focus sought to forge
connections between biblical characters and people of today, through incorporating creative
approaches for telling and hearing one another’s stories.

A native of Dayton, Ohio, Kori has served churches in Ohio, Florida, and New Jersey, as well as
numerous nonprofit organizations. She led youth conferences at Montreat and other PCUSA
conference centers. Before pursuing her calling as Pastor, Kori spent a year in Peru, as a Young
Adult Volunteer, and participated in and led mission projects for the PCUSA in Colombia. Other
international projects have taken her to Guatemala, India, Cuba, and the Holy Lands.

Now, as the pastor of Christian Community Presbyterian Church, Kori, alongside her husband
Ben and their son, is eager to forge new connections and lead our congregation toward a
bright, faith-filled future. Her journey reflects a commitment to service, a passion for
community, and a life of faith that comes full circle with her return to the National Capital

Rick Osborne
Director of Music Ministry

Rick Osborne  
I began my music ministry in my early teens by playing piano in Sunday School at my Southern Baptist church. At seventeen, my first experience playing the organ for a worship service was during Youth Sunday. Suddenly, my Christian faith and love of music became wonderfully balanced and permanently intertwined. My college years took me to Baltimore and the Peabody Conservatory. I served in a Presbyterian Church in Baltimore County for three and a half years before taking a position at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore for nine years.

   My next position took me to the eastern shore where I served at the Presbyterian Church of Easton for almost 34 years. In 2017, I retired from 41 years of general music education. During my teaching career, I developed a tremendous passion for musical theater, and the impact it can have on children’s lives and their personal development.

   June, 2018 brought me to Christian Community Presbyterian Church (CCPC), where I immediately found a vibrant Christian community and a new family of friends. There is something wonderfully familiar and comfortable about this church home.

   My wife, Georgie and I continue to live in Easton where her family resides. We never tire of the smiles we receive when we are about town on our tandem bike. The two of us are avid flower gardeners and spend as much time as we can in our little piece of God’s paradise. Every summer we travel to the Shaw Theatre Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, where we binge on as many shows as we can pack into eight days.


Robin Seekford
Office Administrator
Office Phone: 301-262-6008

Director of Children
and Youth Ministry
Position Currently Vacant

We offer so much gratitude to Kim Gedrich for the two-plus years she served as Director of Children and Youth.  To Kim we say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

We wish her well as she begins her next chapter. We pray that the seeds of faith she helped plant and nurture here with this community of beloved friends continue to flourish and grow deep roots of faith. Thank you Kim!
Questions about our youth and children's programs may be directed to